Avery Nemeth BSN, RN, NC-BC
ReCODE Practitioner, Board Certified Nurse Coach
Avery was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. She received her BSN from Northwest University in Kirkland Washington in 2019. She began her career in Labor and Delivery but after a few short months she became very ill forcing her to leave her job and seek out any medical provider that could give her answers. Within a few short months working with some incredible providers, she was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Her personal experience with chronic complex illness is what sparked her passion for root cause medicine and advocating for patients.
She was a holistic infusion nurse at Sophia Health Institute and Holistique Medical Center alongside Dr. Nakisbendi. She then worked as the nurse manager at Rejuvenate Wellness Center in Olympia, WA. Avery excelled at implementing protocols involving sourcing, administration and monitoring of IV infusions. She helped develop the Supportive Oligonucleotide Therapy (SOT) program at Holistique Medical Center. Everywhere she worked she insured patients received optimal care. One of her favorite roles is advocating for patients and ensuring they are receiving the best care. She is not afraid to speak up and encourage patients to seek further care when they aren’t responding to their current protocols.
As much as Avery enjoyed providing holistic infusion care, she joined NakisbendiMD to continue her advocacy work as a ReCODE Certified Practitioner and Nurse coach. Nurse Avery is experienced in integrative medicine, working with patients with complex chronic illness for most of her career. Her primary goal is to advocate and improve the quality of life for those who have little hope.
By working with participants in the PreCODE and ReCODE programs, she strives to prevent and reverse cognitive decline. Her clinical experience and knowledge of toxins, inflammation, mold, metals, and training in functional medicine enables her to use her holistic nursing skills to best support her patients health.
Working in clinical practice, she has experience supporting patients with the following conditions/healthcare needs/treatments:
Cognitive Decline (Prevention and Treatment)
Gut Health
Histamine Intolerance/Mast Cell Activation
Metal and other Environmental Toxicities
Mold Toxicity
Post Traumatic Brain Injury
Tick-Borne Illnesses
Vitamin and Nutrient Deficiencies
IV Therapies
Neural Therapy
In her free time, nurse Avery loves to garden, be with her family, and work on her latest knitting project.